Your final assessment

Module 10

By the end of this module you will: 

  • Be ready to take on your final assessment and find applicants
  • Understand how to set up your final assessment 
  • Know the assessment criteria 
  • Understand how to share your final assessment for marking.

You have worked so hard to get to this point, I hope you are feeling really proud of all the hard work you have put in over the last 9 modules. 

Please watch the video above before you work on your final exam and look through everything below and in the downloads! 

Good luck - I know you will be brilliant! 

Your assessment: 

1. You will work with 5 clients pro bono using the process we use at The Sleep Method, this means that each client will receive: 

- Free discovery call

- Investigation and analysis of your clients questionnaire

- 60-90 minute Zoom/phone/Face Time consultation

- Written Sleep Plan

- 3 weeks daily Voxer support (excluding the weekends)

- 3 x 20 minute follow up calls

2. Write your "about me" copy that will go on your website. Keep it to half an a4 page maximum. You can write this in a google doc or word doc. Look at how other people you look up to write their own "about me' copy for inspiration. 

A Helping hand: 

Included in the download section are some templates that I hope will be of use to you. It is really important that you remember to make a copy of each of the attached before you start using them! 

These templates include: 

Intake questionnaire and spreadsheet

Sleep plan template 

Sleep diary 

Copy to share on social media (optional)

Other resources: 

A reminder, if you need to rewatch about prepping for a consultation and writing a sleep plan you can refer back to Module 8 or click the links below.

How we prep for a consultation 

How to write a sleep plan

How to share your questionnaire from Google Drive

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